Distill 5.0 statistics


Since 2018 Last week
Tasks 1030109 20772
Unique users 1632 -
Tasks per day 424.80 2967.43
Query length (avg.) 565.30 289.75
Time to serve a request (avg.) 11 min, 42 s 37 s
Total CPU time 7797 days, 9 hours, 24 min, 9 s 9 days, 27 min, 56 s

Distill 5.0 statistics:
usage of servers

Since 2018 last week
Total tasks 1030109 20772
Porter 62336 84
Porter8 62312 84
Porter+ 2848 1
PaleAle 8443 1
BrownAle 3055 1
3Distill 133 0
SCLpred 7552 7
CPPpred 14789 65
PeptideRanker 868508 20529
Distill 5.0 started operating in March 2018

Distill 5.0:
domains sending requests

Rank Queries% Domain
1 37.967 Commercial (.com)
2 8.685 Germany
3 8.286 Mexico
4 3.411 Australia
5 2.341 United Kingdom
6 2.238 China
7 1.073 US Educational (.edu)
8 0.905 Canada
9 0.768 Ireland
10 0.531 India
11 0.426 US Government (.gov)
12 0.350 Brazil
13 0.316 Non-Profit Organization (.org)
14 0.271 Switzerland
15 0.267 Italy
16 0.212 Indonesia
17 0.196 Israel
18 0.190 Chile
19 0.157 Czech Republic
20 0.134 Pakistan
21 0.093 Iran
22 0.085 Taiwan
23 0.076 Japan
24 0.068 Spain
25 0.066 Singapore
26 0.064 France
27 0.044 Netherlands
28 0.037 Korea (South)
29 0.031 Belgium
30 0.031 Russian Federation
31 0.028 Latvia
32 0.025 Portugal
33 0.023 New Zealand (Aotearoa)
34 0.020 Hungary
35 0.019 Hong Kong
36 0.017 Sweden
37 0.015 Colombia
38 0.012 Philippines
39 0.011 Austria
40 0.009 Greece
41 0.009 Malaysia
42 0.008 Finland
43 0.005 Montenegro
44 0.005 Network (.net)
45 0.005 Poland
46 0.005 Slovak Republic
47 0.005 Thailand
48 0.004 Denmark
49 0.003 Ecuador
50 0.003 Iraq
51 0.003 Oman
52 0.001 Sri Lanka
53 0.001 Lithuania
54 0.001 Norway
55 0.001 Tokelau
56 0.001 Turkey
57 0.001 South Africa

Distill 2.0

Porter 5.0
PaleAle 5.0
Brewery 5.0

Gianluca Pollastri's group
School of Computer Science
University College Dublin